Monday, May 08, 2006

Indian Express: Gujarat courts must understand that Muslims are our honorary guests

While Gandhi might have perfected the art of Charka spinning, the columnists of the Indian Express are taking the art of journalistic spinning to never before seen heights. Pratap Mehta of the Indian Express while exchanging high-fives with his 4M(Mullah-Marxist-Missionary-Macaulayite) mentors like Shekhar Gupta and genuflecting before the Indian minorities who have gotten used to believing that they ought to be treated like minor royalty, feels that no matter what the merit of the case, nevermind that about 20 temples too were demolished, Muslims unlike Hindus should be treated extra tenderly and with kid gloves, otherwise the press in its self appointed role as the pseudo-secular police of India, reserves the right to stick it to Modi. Meanwhile in Madurai more than 250 temples have been demolished without any protest from the Indian Express's secular police because these are merely Hindu temples and Hindus merely murmur wimpy protests and eventually take it in their stride in the greater interest of the community at large, unlike their muslim brethren who protest violently and get stellar assistance in this from the likes of the Indian Express. Here are some pictures of the temples being demolished in Vadodara.


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