Thursday, May 25, 2006

Vir Sanghvi performs his characteristic tightrope walk

Ahhh...the times they-are-a-challenging for the pseudosecular mafia of the Indian media. Issues that test the "secular" mettle of the likes of Sanghvi are flying fast and furious. As these are being played out nearly simultaneously -- Hussain controversy came together with Muhammad (PBUH) cartoon controversy, Hussain yet again with The Da VInci Code and so on. Only a spinmaster of the caliber of Sanghvi could juggle these issues at once, Houdini would be proud. Now "secular" and "liberal" maestro that he is, Sanghvi but of course has to rubbish the Hindu outrage at the Husain pornography and defend Hussain much like a Lioness guarding her cubs or like a threatened Cobra hissing. When something like this happens at the same time as when Sanghvi's pet minority's sentiments are hurt, Sanghvi mumbles and complains and begs with the minorities and criticizes them just for the record.

Pope Ratzinger criticized India for some states not allowing a free harvest of souls for the Christian lord. This was over a week back. In about 3 days after this BJP president Rajnath Singh asked the Pope to mind his own business and not to meddle in the internal affairs of a sovereign country. In response to the BJP expressing outrage at this, after much debate and midnight meetings and after having consulted all the reverends in the country and of course Catholic Antonia Maino's go ahead, making sure that delicate minority feelings are not hurt, the Indian govt finally a week later, issued a formal rebuttal yesterday. Sanghvi who did not have a pip-squeak to say immediately after the pope spewed his customary trash, now gets the moral courage to support the govt decision, more like a govt peon waiting for his Sahab's go ahead. But then to make sure his christian Memsaab Sonia's feelings are not hurt, Sanghvi performs his characteristic tightrope act. This act is not for mere mortals and best perfomed only by a professional spinmeister like Sanghvi. He blasts the BJP for asking the Pope to stick it where the sun dont shine, as the BJP does not have the "secular" certificate that all the other parties have. Watching out for so called Hindu interests in its own place of birth and its own land, arouses the "secular" rage within Sanghvi. But then this is just a small part of the Houdini act by the likes of Sanghvi. More to follow soon enough, as the English media continues with its "secular" crusade.


Blogger Panchat said...

Indian media is teeming with corrupt retards posing as "intellectuals". These clowns could not make a living if they are thrown out of the charade they call journalism. Their writings do not influence any in India, but the problem is, outsiders, international media, rely on these "jokes" they write as facts to judge India and Indians. And ironically, many Indians rely on outside view to judge themselves!!! This is a real danger India faces. People need to call spade a spade and declare King (Indian English Media) has no clothes (integrity).

5:53 PM  
Blogger spindianmedia said...

Very well said Panchat. Bingo, you hit bulls eye... Indians or should I say Hindus, indeed view themselves through others perception of them. Others have to define for us as to what we are and se the standards for us.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Muthukaruppan said...

There can be no solution to the 'minority problem' which, that is, consists in the various political parties, with the possible exception of a few including the BJP, to run after minority votes. Knee-jerk reactions such as in this case, some foreign elements poking into our internal affairs with unwarranted utterances and their publicity using minority religions' apex religious bodies. The solution, which may be unprecedented in the world, is to see that the minorities elect their own representatives exclusively, with a ceiling on their number. The unseemly and unwholesome practice of political parties, some of them ruling as single party or in coalitions, to denigrate the religious majority in ever so many ways, cannot be tackled otherwise. The majority has to think up ways to bring this about and also constitutionally mandate this method of representation, and it is likely the minorities will prefer their own representatives to the present practice of putting up minority groups' representaives with pseudo-secularists' support. This method should be constitutionally reviewable periodically to see whether malpractices have developed that affect national integrity.

1:55 AM  

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